Dal 1° aprile 2024 entrano in vigore i nuovi valori per il contributo ambientale (o CAC) per gli imballaggi.
Di seguito le variazioni previste:

I prodotti Proxital rientrano nelle seguenti classi:

Dal 1° aprile 2024 entrano in vigore i nuovi valori per il contributo ambientale (o CAC) per gli imballaggi.
Di seguito le variazioni previste:
I prodotti Proxital rientrano nelle seguenti classi:
CONAI approved a further decrease of the environmental contribution (or CAC) for packaging, which will come into effect on 1 January 2023.
In addition, there is a new classification of packaging from five to nine bands with different contribution values.
La fascia A1 sarà divisa in due: A1.1 e A1.2. The latter remains unchanged, while A1.1 drops to EUR 20/ton.
Band A2 also remains unchanged, remaining at €150/ton.
Band B1 is split into B1.1 and B1.2 with the aim of separating PET articles from HDPE articles: the fee remains for both at 20 euros/ton.
Band B2 splits into three: B2.1 for rigid polypropylene containers, going from 410 to 350 euro/ton. In fascia B2.2 rientrano gli articoli riciclabili a base poliolefinica e il CAC non varia.
In band B2.3, packaging with experimental and consolidating recycling chains will be included from the current 560 euros/tonne to 555 euros/ton.
Band C will be reduced with no change to the fee of EUR 560/ton.
From 1 July 2023 there will be increases for three bands: A1.2 will rise from 60 to 90 euro/ton, band A2 from 150 to 220 euro/ton and band B2.2 from 410 to 477 euro/ton.
Proxital products will fall into the following classes:
Read more:
CONAI: environmental contributions for steel, wood, plastic, bioplastics and glass fall again
Read the article »The expanded polyethylene films produced by Proxital are widely used in the packaging sector because they are able to combine the scratch-resistant characteristics of flexible plastic films with protection against crushing and impact thanks to the micro-bubbles of air that compress, absorbing the energy generated by the impact as they are distributed in a concentrated and uniform manner over the entire height.
Particularly in industrial mass production where objects produced are stacked, laid or placed close together in containers, foam is absolutely the most suitable product as a separator due to its unique characteristics. Scratch protection is guaranteed even with minimum thicknesses while, with regard to impact, the choice of thickness is a function of the mechanical stress the film exerts. The greater the impact force against the object, the greater the film thickness must therefore be.
Read the article »In the field of electronics for example, the use of foam as a packaging material proves invaluable because in addition to being an environmentally friendly, totally recyclable and regenerable material, it also provides complete protection from impacts and scratches.
For impact protection, depending on the weight of the object to be packed, you can choose from a wide range of polyethylene sheets with thicknesses from 20 to 70 mm. For more delicate parts, on the other hand, polyethylene sheets up to a maximum of 2 mm are recommended to avoid scratches or damage to the object’s materials themselves.
Proxital is constantly dedicated to the development of customer-friendly products, always striving for the highest quality and recommending the most suitable product to meet every need.
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