Proxital develops shared innovation with its customers, with three fixed points in style and content, three aspects that for us are real pillars of our daily actions. Not empty words and theories, but concrete actions that make us evolve every day, developing cutting-edge technologies and products that are increasingly performing and innovative.

For Proxital, constant investment in production and research technologies has always been a hallmark of the company. The creation and patenting of new materials passes from a deep knowledge of processes and machinery, through proprietary solutions that allow to arrive at innovative results for wide applications.
Proxital's know-how has also always been appreciated by machinery manufacturers who have always supported and supported Proxital for the development of high-performance and advanced technologies, which are constantly improving. This commitment then translates into the creation of the most innovative, light, resistant, hi-tech products on the market.
University Research
<p>In its research and development processes, Proxital has always relied on technical experts and research institutes, for the creation of real product and process innovation.</p><p>Proxital has entered into a research contract with the industrial engineering department of Padua University to certify the recyclability of non-crosslinked polyethylene foam in post-consumer processes. </p><p>The raw materials used for the various tests are regenerated LDPE polyethylene, the regenerated LDPE + HDPE mix and the polyolefin mix.These materials were scientifically characterised via spectrophotometry, thermogravimetry analysis, calorimetric and mechanical analysis and with the melt flow index. </p><p>Mixes were then produced with different percentage blends of the various materials, then the extrusion and resistance tests were carried out. Proxital treasures this type of research, in order to launch ever new, better-performing products, which are perfectly sustainable and 100% recyclable and regenerable.</p>
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La gamma delle Lastre in espansione
<p>Proxital da qualche giorno ha installato ed avviato il nuovo impianto di lastratura e confezionamento automatizzato.</p><p>La gamma di prodotti in lastra si amplia, dallo spessore 20 fino a 120 mm, in tutte le densità: Low, Medium, High ed Extra High.</p><p></p><p>IL PILASTRO DELLA TECNOLOGIA</p><p>Tale investimento per Proxital è la prosecuzione del Piano industriale 21-23 che ha visto l'avviamento di una nuova linea di estrusione da 1.000 kg/h dedicata principalmente alla produzione di articoli in alta densità e alti spessori.</p><p>Nel corso del prossimo triennio, l'obiettivo sarà quello di portare a pieno regime le tecnologie e gli investimenti fatti, per offrire al mercato ed ai nostri clienti prodotti sempre più innovativi, performanti e sostenibili.</p>
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The best ideas are those that are then realized. This philosophy has characterized Proxital since its foundation, creating innovation shared with its customers. Proxital's R&D division developed the new materials from the requests and questions of the customers, which were then created. The dialogue is continuous and the search for solutions is a constant. Thanks to our Customers we have always found new stimuli and new challenges to overcome, each time overcoming the technical limit of the material or machinery, developing new solutions that have allowed its realization. The philosophy of continuous improvement finds in our Customers the perfect stimulus, to truly innovate together.
Updating CONAI classes
<p>CONAI approved a further decrease of the environmental contribution (or CAC) for packaging, which will come into effect on 1 January 2023.</p><p>In addition, there is a new classification of packaging from five to nine bands with different contribution values.</p><p>La fascia A1 sarà divisa in due: A1.1 e A1.2. The latter remains unchanged, while A1.1 drops to EUR 20/ton. Band A2 also remains unchanged, remaining at €150/ton. Band B1 is split into B1.1 and B1.2 with the aim of separating PET articles from HDPE articles: the fee remains for both at 20 euros/ton. Band B2 splits into three: B2.1 for rigid polypropylene containers, going from 410 to 350 euro/ton. In fascia B2.2 rientrano gli articoli riciclabili a base poliolefinica e il CAC non varia.</p><p>In band B2.3, packaging with experimental and consolidating recycling chains will be included from the current 560 euros/tonne to 555 euros/ton. Band C will be reduced with no change to the fee of EUR 560/ton. From 1 July 2023 there will be increases for three bands: A1.2 will rise from 60 to 90 euro/ton, band A2 from 150 to 220 euro/ton and band B2.2 from 410 to 477 euro/ton.</p><p>Proxital products will fall into the following classes:</p><p></p><p></p><p>Read more:</p><p>CONAI: environmental contributions for steel, wood, plastic, bioplastics and glass fall again</p>
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Protection for fragile
<p>Rina Menardi is a well known brand in the ceramic art and furnishings sector. The collections are a perfect fusion of art, design and craftsmanship, where aesthetics and functionality meet in unique creations.</p><p>To protect these precious artifacts, a material is needed that can effectively compensate and cancel the inevitable micro-bumps in packaging and shipping processes.</p><p>After a careful evaluation of the relationship between flexibility and strength, the choice fell on a customized density polyethylene with film, capable of responding with adequate physical and mechanical characteristics. The always active collaboration will soon lead to testing also new materials and solutions, alternatives to the traditionally used materials.</p>
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Since 1998 we have made a precise choice: to adopt a production system of sustainable, recyclable, infinitely regenerable plastic. For this reason we use expansion technologies that do not chemically alter the raw materials used. This allows the total regenerability of each single product at the end of each use cycle.
Even the processing scraps of expanded plastics are totally regenerable, bringing the carbon footprint of these products to almost zero.
In this precise context, Proxital offers a personalized service based on the needs of the individual customer and the individual process, always with an eye to sustainability.
Repubblica talks about REFOAM
<p>Repubblica talks about the new REFOAM range, a new production technology that makes extensive use of regenerated raw materials, and sets a new standard in terms of resistance and slipperiness of foamed foams. The range also includes the innovative REFOAM 0.5, a worldwide innovation that in just half a millimeter of thickness can offer protection equal to double-thick foam. </p><p>In addition to technical innovation, this translates into economic savings because with the same volume you have twice the length. But also in real sustainability, because it halves the road transport needed to transfer the coils. Refoam is produced with a percentage of recycled material that can reach 100%.</p>
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Il Sole 24 ore talks about Proxital
<p>The Sole 24 ore magazine talks about Proxital among the companies active in the defense of health and the environment.</p><p>Not all plastics are the same. Since its foundation, Proxital has been producing only sustainable materials, but it is particularly important and urgent to scientifically demonstrate their degree of environmental compatibility and communicate it to the outside world, refuting the mistaken beliefs of the market and the final consumer. </p><p>Thanks to the support and advice of Assindustria, we are working on the creation of a validated model for the calculation of the Carbon Footprint of foamed plastics. Proxitalproduces closed-cell Foam, 100% recyclable and regenerable and is actively contributing to the development of a uniform, functional and valid calculator for the purposes of theISO 14067 standard to quantify CO2 emissions for the production of plastic foams. </p><p>The market needs clarity and certain references, also in the light of the new ESG Sustainability Report requests from various institutional and banking entities. Proxital has recently introduced REFOAM, a new production technology that has affected the entire range for the extensive use of regenerated raw materials.</p>
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