La plastica sostenibile: gli espansi

Da sempre Proxital pone al centro delle proprie azioni la Sostenibilità e la Condivisione.

Con tale scopo, vogliamo condividere il primo dei tre elaborati a sostegno della plastica sostenibile, gli Espansi.

L’intento è quello di esporre i vantaggi degli espansi in termini di sostenibilità, nella loro produzione, nel loro utilizzo e nel loro riutilizzo.

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Continua a seguirci, nelle prossime settimane condivideremo altre due pubblicazioni che tratteranno i seguenti argomenti:

  • Plastica espansa VS Altri materiali
  • I vantaggi di Refoam
  • 1000x1000-Repubblica

    Repubblica talks about REFOAM

    Repubblica talks about the new REFOAM range, a new production technology that makes extensive use of regenerated raw materials, and sets a new standard in terms of resistance and slipperiness of foamed foams. The range also includes the innovative REFOAM 0.5, a worldwide innovation that in just half a millimeter of thickness can offer protection equal to double-thick foam.

    In addition to technical innovation, this translates into economic savings because with the same volume you have twice the length. But also in real sustainability, because it halves the road transport needed to transfer the coils. Refoam is produced with a percentage of recycled material that can reach 100%.

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  • 1000x1000-Refoam05

    10 grams of sustainable lightness: Refoam 0.5.

    For Proxital, being green is much more than a declaration of intent: it is one of the pillars that gave life to the company, pursuing sustainability as a modus operandi of the entire production.

    Today Proxital presents a unique innovation in the world, the Refoam 0.5, an innovative foam material that can offer a square meter of protection using only 10 grams of plastic.

    The performances in terms of resistance and slipperiness are equal to those of foam with double thickness, but thanks to Refoam 0,5 the coils have a double length with the same volume. This means a reduction in road traffic and the use of resources, while at the same time guaranteeing important economic savings for the packaging of goods. Refoam® is made from up to 100% recycled material.

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  • 1000x1000-Dem-Sole24

    Il Sole 24 ore talks about Proxital

    The Sole 24 ore magazine talks about Proxital among the companies active in the defense of health and the environment.

    Not all plastics are the same. Since its foundation, Proxital has been producing only sustainable materials, but it is particularly important and urgent to scientifically demonstrate their degree of environmental compatibility and communicate it to the outside world, refuting the mistaken beliefs of the market and the final consumer.

    Thanks to the support and advice of Assindustria, we are working on the creation of a validated model for the calculation of the Carbon Footprint of foamed plastics. Proxitalproduces closed-cell Foam, 100% recyclable and regenerable and is actively contributing to the development of a uniform, functional and valid calculator for the purposes of theISO 14067 standard to quantify CO2 emissions for the production of plastic foams.

    The market needs clarity and certain references, also in the light of the new ESG Sustainability Report requests from various institutional and banking entities. Proxital has recently introduced REFOAM, a new production technology that has affected the entire range for the extensive use of regenerated raw materials.

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