The Carbon Footprint is a measure that expresses in CO2 equivalent the total emissions of greenhouse gases that are directly or indirectly associated with a product, an organization or a service. UNI EN ISO 14067:2018 has been in force since 30 October 2018 which specifies principles, requirements and guidelines for the quantification and communication of the climate footprint of products (Carbon Footprint of Products – CFP) in accordance with international standards on life cycle assessment (Life Cycle Assessment – LCA) (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044).
The requirements and guidelines for quantifying a partial CFP are also specified. Proxital has always been attentive to the sustainability aspect, which is why we accurately measure the carbon footprint of each product and process.
In Proxital, in addition to carrying out the analysis and accounting of CO2 emissions, we are committed to defining a system of carbon management, aimed at identifying and implementing those cost-effective emission reduction measures that use technologies with a low carbon content, to increase the sustainability of our production.
Full Sustainability
At Proxital we produce closed-cell, recyclable and regenerable expanded plastics for industrial use. For us, "Refoam, Regenerate, Repeat" is a mantra, which leads us to create "sustainable" plastic, respecting the environment, precisely because regenerable and infinitely customizable.
Thanks to the application of expansion technologies that do not chemically alter the raw materials used, we give life to totally customizable and infinitely regenerable products.