Articles and News
Refoam: la Rivoluzione Sostenibile
Proxital presenta Refoam, la scelta di cambiamento sostenibile della nostra produzione. Refoam ha prestazioni senza compromessi, la nuova composizione del materiale ha caratteristiche tecniche superiori, come la resistenza e la scivolosità, che concretamente ne migliorano la lavorabilità.
Refoam è la risposta di Proxital alle nuove direttive europee sulla riciclabilità dei rifiuti, recepite dal DL 3/9/20 n.116 in vigore dal 26/9/2020. Refoam è prodotto con una percentuale di materiale riciclato che può arrivare anche al 100%, con l’obiettivo di minimizzare o annullare l’incidenza della prossima Plastic Tax in arrivo nel 2022.
Refoam ha una gamma completa di prodotti che partono dall’innovativo 0,5 mm, leggero e resistente come la seta.
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Proxital, when the company is smart and runs fast!
Starting in July 2022, it is not uncommon to see Proxital operators and employees moving around the factory on the brand new electric scooters the company has equipped itself with.
In fact, there are 18 devices that are given to factory workers and employees to easily and quickly travel the long stretches connecting offices, production, and warehouses within the 14,000-square-meter plant, 5,000 of which are for production alone.
Always winking at safety, state-of-the-art scooters with maximum safety braking system were chosen and cruising speed was restricted.
Proxital’s innovative vision for corporate mobility fits pioneeringly into a market trend that looks with increasing interest at micromobility. Ten percent of Italian companies already use it, and according to the latest market surveys, this percentage is set to rise exponentially.
Taggatofactory smart
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Isolamento e Protezione
Green Sports Company è una realtà moderna e tecnologicamente all’avanguardia, specializzata nella produzione di borse su misura, nel rispetto della tradizionale borsetteria artigianale.
Tra le diverse linee prodotte, alcune richiedono una particolare resistenza agli urti ed alla compressione, ed altre anche un perfetto isolamento termico. Grazie alla vasta gamma disponibile, Proxital ha fornito diverse tipologie di Polietilene espanso, con densità variabile e accoppiamenti studiati ad hoc per le diverse tipologie di applicazione.
La composizione a celle chiuse degli espansi garantisce un isolamento ottimale ed una resistenza costante alle sollecitazioni meccaniche esterne.
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Refoam, Regenerate, Repeat
Meet the Foam world's revolution: our new REFOAM, the result of intense research and development, is the new range of Proxital products, produced with a percentage of recycled material that can even reach the 100%. The technical characteristics are superior and more performing compared to the classic Physical Foam, allowing the use of our productsfor the most demanding applications in various product sectors.
Use cases of our products
Discover all our applications! Proxital offers a wide range of products for packaging and physical foam. From the transport of delicate objects for the protection of industrial products, we have the perfect solution for your packaging needs.
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At Proxital we produce closed cell plastic foams for use industrial, totally recyclable and regenerable. The Physical Foam best ever. For us “Refoam, Regenerate, Repeat” it is a mantra, which leads us to create products with respect for the environment100% sustainable and performing.
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Constant investments in plants and development for innovative results.
The best ideas are the ones that materialize. Together.
100% Recyclable and Regenerable: Proxital's Green products.
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